Saturday, April 15, 2023

How to do gematria

gematria is an ancient Jewish system of numerical interpretation of letters, words, and sentences used to interpret the Bible and other ancient texts. Gematria first appeared in Babylonian and Hebrew culture, thousands of years ago. In modern times, it has been popularized by practitioners of the Kabbalah for its alleged mystical powers.

If you are looking to learn how to do gematria, here are the steps you need to take:

1. Understand the basics of Gematria: Gematria involves assigning numbers or values to certain Hebrew letters which then form their own numerical language. Every Hebrew letter has a specific value assigned to it that does not change throughout each gematria interpretation.

2. Learn the alphabet's numerical "code": Each letter in the Hebrew alphabet corresponds with a number from 1-400 which helps you match up words and phrases with corresponding digits. The numerical aspect contains two parts; the first part is called "lishm" (single) and assigns each letter its own individual value, while the second part is called "meimra" (multiple) which assigns two letters together a joint value as a pair.

3. Research some examples: Look into some common examples of gematria interpretations such as those related to names or phrases like "Mashiach" (the Messiah). Becoming familiar with traditional interpretations can help you understand how they are composed.

4. Practice using gematria values: Begin breaking down English words into their equivalent gematriya values by learning how verbs, nouns, adjectives and other sentence parts correspond with certain numbers based on their individual values or paired sets of letters for MEIMRA numbers (if applicable). To help remember each number-letter combination easier, try visualizing it in some way -– for example by assigning a specific color or shape to it –– or keeping an organized numeric chart handy when decoding phonetic sounds into numbers during particular calculations.

5. Delve deeper into gematriya's mysteries: Look into advanced books about gematriya interpretations if you want further insight into this mysterious system's philosophical aspects and potential connections between words as well as symbols within life experiences related to both mundane daily activities & special family traditions over time periods spanning generations past & present when used properly according to its original context & application methods truly understood through knowledgeable guidance / teachings before attempting any internal use on one's own (especially those unfamiliar with Jewish lore / rabbinical scripture). Alternatively though it is quite possible just double-checking any assumed theory beforehand until verified satisfaction achieved via research conducted carefully too so that no inaccuracies mistaken can lead astray trying out curious tales heard privately yet still important considerations must remain clear throughout as always recommended just in case!.

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